
cala-te monarquia: princesa cantora e bailarina

Qual o nome desta princesa que conhece o seu principe enquanto canta e dança no bosque?

4 comentários:

carlopod disse...

é a bela adormecida.
The princess's name has been unstable. In Sun, Moon, and Talia, she is named Talia ("Sun" and "Moon" being her twin children). Perrault removed this, leaving her anonymous, although naming her daughter "L'Aurore". The Brothers Grimm named her "Briar Rose". Tchaikovsky shifted the name of the daughter, in translation, to the mother: Aurora. This transfer was taken up by Disney in the film.[6] John Stejean named her "Rosebud" in TeleStory Presents.

ZEP disse...

e que tal uma só resposta, um só nome?

nada disso me serve. quero uma resposta concreta

carlopod disse...


ZEP disse...

1 ponto